What You Can Do About Lymphatic Filariasis

As a Government

  • Evaluate the true scale of the problem
  • Construct and support an Action Plan for Lymphatic Filariasis Elimination
  • Join with regional/global initiatives for Lymphatic Filariasis Elimination

As a business

  • Raise awareness among the workforce and general public
  • Take the lead in local and regional elimination efforts

As an individual

  • Raise awareness in affected families and communities
  • Support and encourage others to support national control program activities
  • Ensure that individuals with filarial disease have access to treatment and follow the recommended treatment routines


For further information about how you can help the global effort to eliminate lymphatic filariasis, contact:

World Health Organization
1211 Geneva 27

Dr. Anders R. Seim
Svestadvn. 27
N – 1458 Fjellstrand

318 Seth Place
Rockville, MD 20850

For more information about Lymphatic Filariasis check out Resources.

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